Sunday, February 7, 2010

It Takes a Village

I know you have all heard the saying, “it takes a village to raise a child”. Well, this morning I found the clearest evidence of this in our home.

When the girls got up this morning we went through our Sunday morning routine, but opted not to go to church at the last minute for several different reasons. One being, Blythe has had the crud for about 2 weeks, but when the snot didn’t change from yellow to clear (I know that is gross, but it is what it is) before hair bow time this became strike 1. Strike 2 was the phone call from Ryan’s mom telling us Pop was in the hospital again and they were going to be transporting him to Northeast GA. to have a pace maker put in. Strike 3; my little speckled frog has some new spots. No she is not on the antibiotic anymore. These are new and different from the other rash, they came up about 3 days ago and I assumed they were just a skin irritation. Poor baby :( Needless to say we will be visiting Dr. Garrett in the morning for 2 of the 3 children.

After daddy left to visit Pop I encouraged the girls to go play since Brennan didn’t sleep good and needed an earlier nap. Surprisingly, they did as they were told without objection (I thought they would be disappointed since we weren’t going to church. They love church!).

Listening and observing children play happens to be one of my many loves in life. Children interact with others on such honest and genuine levels it is refreshing. So after Brennan was sleeping I secretly sat on the steps and listened to the twins play. It wasn’t surprising to me to hear them role playing, but what was surprising to me were the people they were pretending to be.

They weren’t princesses, princes, fairies, ballerinas, football players (yes, they do play this, thanks to dad.) They were our friends; people from our community, people we see on a daily/weekly basis, people we love, admire and care about. People I am honored to have my children look up too. So if you ever think your impact on your community doesn’t go much further than your home and job you are wrong, they are watching my children and other children. They see you and you matter to them. They look up to you and mimic your behaviors, so mind you manners. ;)

In the last 2 hours or so they have been the following:

Kim, Stacy, Kelsey, and Alexa

Mrs. Missy and “the boys”

Mrs. Laura, Dr. Garrett, and Jack

Mrs. Merideth and Mr. Derek

Mrs. Kendra and Mr. Kevin

Mrs. Heather and Mr. Kevin

Mrs. Joni and Mr. Tim

Mrs. Karrie and Mr. Brent

Mrs. Kisha and Mr. Scott

Uncle Joe and Aunt Lyn- this one happens to be my favorite because my aunt is only 60 and was diagnosed with alzheimer’s last year. She is changing so fast; the medicines are not working for her. It’s funny to see their interpretations of both my aunt and uncle’s behaviors.

Yes, it takes a village and we are thankful for our village. The people in our community- our friends and our family: you matter, you matter to Ryan and I and you matter to our children!


MB Shaw said...

Kristin! I am so sorry about all the things that have happened this week! Your outlook on life is so refreshing though. Love the role-playing of the girls too!!

Garretts said...

Awww...what a sweet post! Ack...not only am I sorry the girls are sick again, but so is Josh! I guess you found that out if you tried to make an appointment today. He'll probably still work tonight in the ER though, so if you need anything you can still call his cell or mine!


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Me- well: I love God! I love people! I love my family! I love my husband! I love being a mom! I love having twins! I love my friends! I love children! I love teaching! I love my church! I love red wine! I love watching my children play! I love summer! I love the beach! I love bonfires! I love the lake! I love to laugh! I have the most wonderful husband- he takes care of me and helps me out when I over commit myself. I love being a mom- twins are great! I hate when people say, "I don't know how you do it!"- I just do what needs to be done. At the end of the day our house may not be clean and the clothes may not get folded and put away, but everyone is safe, fed, and loved. My friends- oh you mean the people I used to hang out with, but never see anymore! Yeah, I love them too. I have learned that God brings all kinds of people into our lives. Some of those people are great friends while you are in school, some are great friends while you are in college, and some are great friends at work or church. Then there are the few- the special friends that stick around for a lifetime. I am so blessed to have so many lifetimers!!!