Saturday, February 13, 2010

He's Bringing SEXY Back or Maybe He Just Changed What it Means

Ryan has been my Valentine for the last 10 years, 6 of those we have been married. I have to say that over the last 10 Valentine Days my idea of sexy has changed.

Ryan and I haven't changed much. WE- we remain the same! I am still as scatter brained and spontaneous as ever and he is well, STEADY and PREDICTABLE.

and how thankful I am for that! Thankful that he still makes my heart pound. Thankful that I find the diaper in his back pocket as sexy as those batting gloves and that swinging our girls around in the air is as sexy as swinging a bat. In another 10 years or so that diaper may be replaced by an empty wallet after he buys 2 cars and he may be swinging boys out our front door, but chances are he will still be sexy- at least to me.

Happy Valentine's Day, Ryan!


Kendra said...

Hi Kristin!

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment. I read it right away to my husband...we are not alone! HA!

Your girls are so precious!! And I just loved this post, I agree, sexy changes over time =)

MB Shaw said...

Girl, you are CRAZY!! I love, LOVE this post!! Yes, sexy does change over the years, and I'm so thankful for that.

Kim said...

What a cute post! I'm with Mer, you are crazy! But that is probably why I love you so much, we're just so alike! I too, am thankful that sexy changes!

Garretts said...

what a great tribute to your valentine! you are a wonderful writer. I vow to get at least one more post in before my blog header has to change!!

our little family said...

HA! print this out & save it forever... Too funny! sexy to mean is when the dishes are complete or the kids backs are rubbed before bed. love ya, girl. :0)


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Me- well: I love God! I love people! I love my family! I love my husband! I love being a mom! I love having twins! I love my friends! I love children! I love teaching! I love my church! I love red wine! I love watching my children play! I love summer! I love the beach! I love bonfires! I love the lake! I love to laugh! I have the most wonderful husband- he takes care of me and helps me out when I over commit myself. I love being a mom- twins are great! I hate when people say, "I don't know how you do it!"- I just do what needs to be done. At the end of the day our house may not be clean and the clothes may not get folded and put away, but everyone is safe, fed, and loved. My friends- oh you mean the people I used to hang out with, but never see anymore! Yeah, I love them too. I have learned that God brings all kinds of people into our lives. Some of those people are great friends while you are in school, some are great friends while you are in college, and some are great friends at work or church. Then there are the few- the special friends that stick around for a lifetime. I am so blessed to have so many lifetimers!!!