Thursday, July 1, 2010


You turned ONE today. I know you do not completely understand all that is going on because you keep looking at me like, “mom, why do these people keep saying ‘happy birthday’ to me and mom, could you please take the stupid crown off my head?” Well, no my love I can not take the “stupid crown” off your head. I want everyone to know it’s your birthday; I want them to know so they can celebrate you with us.

Brennan, you were born one year ago today on your Dad’s birthday. (You were the best gift he has ever gotten!) You have changed so much over the past year and you will continue to change and evolve as the years past by. There are a few things that I want you to understand over the years-

Know that I will always love you and you will always be my sweet love.

I want you to know that you were created in the image of God- beautiful in sight and in spirit.

Know that you are highly favored by God and that he has great plans for you.

Understand that God choose for us to be together- our relationship is not one of choice, but appointment. You were chosen by God to be my daughter and I was chosen by God to be your mother- I am blessed because of his choice and I pray I serve him well!

I want you to know that happiness is circumstantial, but having a content spirit will give you lasting joy.

Understand that God longs for you to desire him- so soak him up in worship, in prayer and in study.

Realize that God took the greatest risk in the history by giving each of us a free will- he did this so we could choose to be in a relationship with him- choose him, he will never fail you.

I want you to know that you are a smart girl and your intelligence will continue to develop over the years, but wisdom has nothing to do with your cognitive skills; wisdom is comes from God- so pray for wisdom and discernment.

Know that you are an extension of the love of Christ- people will know him because his love spills out of you.

Realize that when you choose your husband his first love should be Jesus- he can not truly love you if he does not love Jesus- God is love.

Understand that being in a relationship with God should convict your spirit to be obedient to his laws and commandments- he created these so that we can be close to him. Again Brennan, God desires you.

I want you to realize that your life will be filled with celebrations, successes, and accomplishments; it will also be filled with uncertainty, disappointments, and trails- all of these things are a part of God’s greater plan so be faithful and graceful through them all.

Know that God knows you will not always understand his greater plan- the disciples didn’t always either, they questioned him and he knows there will be times that you will too.

I want you to know that in one short year you have already fulfilled part of God’s BIG plan- you have been such a blessing to me- when I hold you it’s like holding onto a tiny piece of God’s love- it’s overwhelming!

Lastly, know that you have brought me closer to God. I want you to see me glorify God in ALL things, I want you to know God’s love through me, I want you to see me choosing to be in a relationship with him, I want you to see and hear me pray, I want you see me studying his word and laws, I want you to see me being obedient to his commandments, I want you to see me become wiser over the years, I want you to see your dad and I have a strong marriage, I want you to feel my content spirit, I want you to look at me and say, “my mom is highly favored by God and created in his image”, and I want you to see me completely lost in worship of our Great and Mighty God.

Brennan, I pray that I serve our God well through you! He has entrusted me with his child- I pray that you are his greatest accomplishment!

Happy 1st birthday my sweet love!

Your Mother

1 comment:

Garretts said...

love this sweet letter. brennan is a lucky girl to have you as her mom & around to ensure you learns all about what God has in store for her!

love that cute collage too!


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Me- well: I love God! I love people! I love my family! I love my husband! I love being a mom! I love having twins! I love my friends! I love children! I love teaching! I love my church! I love red wine! I love watching my children play! I love summer! I love the beach! I love bonfires! I love the lake! I love to laugh! I have the most wonderful husband- he takes care of me and helps me out when I over commit myself. I love being a mom- twins are great! I hate when people say, "I don't know how you do it!"- I just do what needs to be done. At the end of the day our house may not be clean and the clothes may not get folded and put away, but everyone is safe, fed, and loved. My friends- oh you mean the people I used to hang out with, but never see anymore! Yeah, I love them too. I have learned that God brings all kinds of people into our lives. Some of those people are great friends while you are in school, some are great friends while you are in college, and some are great friends at work or church. Then there are the few- the special friends that stick around for a lifetime. I am so blessed to have so many lifetimers!!!